Friday, November 30, 2007

Scholarship Recipients Reception - 2007

Second Opportunity To Plant A Pink Tulip -2007

Join the Women's Center in planting tulips on Saturday, October 27 at 10 AM on the west side of the Logan Library, 225 N. Main in Logan. For article click here.

Second Opportunity: Plant A Pink Tulip -2007

Clothesline Project 2007

The clothesline project began in 1990 in Hyannis, Mass. to raise awareness of violence against women. Utah State began participating in 1993. The shirts in this years display have been gathered over a fourteen year period and were all designed by women from Cache Valley. Mosts were made at the Women's Center with materials donated by CAPSA - Community Abuse Prevention Services Agengy.

News Article: The Utah Statesman, Friday, October 5, 2007 – Finding Voices helps victims heal and raise awareness:

News Article, The Herald Journal, Thursday, October 4, 2007 – Victims of abuse to share stories at USU music, poetry show:

News Article, The Herald Journal, Wednesday, October 3, 2007 – Words of strength:

Announcement: USU Today,Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - Clothesline Project Opens at Utah State Universityhttp:

Announcement: USU Today, Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - Women's Center Presents 'Finding Voice’ Vignettes and Full Performance:

Press Release: USU Today, Friday September 21, 2007 - CLOTHESLINE PROJECT OPENS AT UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY:

The Clothesline Project - 2007

Plant A Pink Tulip -2007

The USU Women's Center sponsors the Plant A Pink Tulip event each year to raise awareness of breast cancer. It is a way to remember the cycles and process of life by planting pink tulips for individuals whose lives have been touched by a struggle with cancer or the death of a loved one.News Article: The Utah Statesman, Monday, October 5, 2007:

Plant A Pink Tulip - 2007